R175 to Register your Business in South Africa?

Company Registration

A company may be registered with or without a company name. When a company is registered without a name, its registration number automatically becomes the company name. Such a company may transact with a trading (business) name, or may apply to add a reserved name at a later stage. 

A company registration is R125 for both private company and non-profit companies registered without members. A private company must have at least one (1) director and a non-profit company must have a minimum of three (3) directors. A successful company registration transaction automatically comes with a tax registration number. 

Name Reservation

You may apply for between 1 and 4 proposed names during an application process, which costs R50. If your name reservation application is not approved, you will need to apply for new names at another cost of R50. 


  1. BizPortal currently only caters for South African ID holders. Login on https://eservices.cipc.co.za if you do not have a South African ID.
  2. A 3D Secure cheque or credit card that is enabled for online transactions.
  3. A list of up to four (4) proposed names for your company.
  4. For director verification you need to have all directors’ identity documents/cards and marriage certificates. Possible verification questions are:
    • Date of issue of the identity document or card
    • Marriage date, as recorded by the Department of Home Affairs
    • Spouse’s ID number

Credits – Taken from https://www.bizportal.gov.za/company_reg.aspx


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